Wednesday, December 3, 2008


For some reason, I've woken up the last two mornings to back pain. I'm used to the normal aches and pains that come from being 46 years old, in bad shape and overweight but this was different. A stiffness in my lower back that becomes a shooting pain on the left side if I move or bend. I don't usually suffer from back pain so I'm a little worried about it. Hopefully I'm just sleeping the wrong way.

This illo gives a pretty close depiction of how it feels except that the pain is on the left and not the right.

I'm really hoping that it goes away before my Friday night bowling league.


Daniel W. Taylor said...

Be careful that it's not a kidney thing. We're getting about that age! I had problems with some kidney stones last year.

Anonymous said...

Aches just seem to come out of nowhere sometimes. I can sympathize.